โ›๏ธProof of Work

As the world is looking forward to the transition of Ethereum to Proof of Stake, a new day dawns for Callisto Network, which has adopted a different approach further to enhance the most secure consens

calable, Cost-Effective, Secure, and Environmentally Friendly.

To date, Callisto Network is the most cost-effective platform to make a transaction on the blockchain. With an average transaction fee of 0.001 USD, it is possible to mint a complete NFT series for less than 1 USD!

Having contributed to the most popular blockchains and crypto projects, we are leveraging our experience to establish Callisto Network as the most advanced and secure proof of work blockchain. By taking advantage of PirlGuard technology, Callisto Network is protected against 51% attacks, drastically reducing its energy footprint without compromising its security.

Callisto Network is committed to being the most efficient PoW blockchain, with fair decentralization, as everyone can secure the network and get rewards according to his contribution. In this regard, we plan to move to the next generation of Proof Of Work algorithms with ZPoW technology that will allow Callisto Network to reach 100,000 transactions per second without compromising the security that Callisto Network is known for.

Why Mine Callisto Network?

Ethereum remains the largest smart contract platform to date, and Callisto Network intends to maintain compatibility. Thus the Callisto Network algorithm is identical to that of ETHASH and can be mined with the same equipment, making the CLO coins mining as simple as switching to a mining pool supporting CLO.

Mining Callisto Network is just a few โ€œclicksโ€ process, with significant advantages in stability and profitability with respect to the other mining algorithms. Given the optimizations that have been performed during the last years, ETHASH remains chosen by 99.9% of the GPU miners.

Mining Callisto is open to everyone. With a DAG size smaller than 4GB, GPU miners with older equipment can participate in Callisto Network mining. Those who possess new RTX equipment with LHR donโ€™t need to worry, as the mining software has fully unlocked it.

  • Up to 100,000 tx/sec expected (ZPoW Technology).

  • The lowest transaction fees in the market.

  • Dynamic monetary policy fixing the long-term CLO coin supply to 3 billion.

  • The most advanced blockchain security with dedicated standards and 51% attacks protection.

Mining Tutorial

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